Explore the historic village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama in Japan

Organization Science, Education and Culture of the United Nations recognizes Unesco - old village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama is a world cultural heritage in 1995.

The ancient village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama aka Historic Village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama. In Japanese, "Shirakawa" means the village of White River, while "Gokayama" means five mountains. The two villages are located in the Tokai region in central Japan. Shirakawa-go village located in Gifu Prefecture and Gokayama village located in the province of Toyama.

The two villages are very popular in Japan because the houses here are built according to architectural Gassho-zukuni. Gassho-zukuni architecture is an architectural style whose roof was built with thatched roofs like hands to prayers.

Villages of Shirakawa-go

She had more than a hundred homes neck. Specifically here have a total of 114 adjacent roof at the foot of Mount Haku-san in Gifu Prefecture with flowing lines crossing Shogawa the rice fields. Shirakawa-go (that Bach Giang District neck) brought in an old Japanese spirit remains until now. The small roof-named for Gassho zukuri, Gassho style, a style like the two hands are clasped praying, a way of praying rituals of the Japanese Buddhist god. Shirakawa-go used to be where the practice of hidden levels increase before Buddhism in Japan combined with Tantric ...

The village of Shirakawa-go roofs are thatched grass roof, about 50cm thick layer of grass. These roofs simulated images presented praying hands. The purpose of the construction of that image has religious, just to become defensive battles rage of nature, snowstorm. The houses are built to the north or south to avoid wind levels, the warm winter and the cool summer comfort. The roof here is built dóc to rain and snow fell straight to the ground, not deposited on the roof. Mountains, forests occupy land area to 96% in both village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama lives so people here difficult, strenuous with only 4% of farmland.

Village Gokayama

Do not be like village Shirakawa-go, Gokayama village less developed east nor in Shirakawa-go. The village farmers in this region are smaller, more isolated and have little silhouette modern homes. At the decentralized Gokayama village into a small corridor, which Suganuma village and the village is said to be the most beautiful Ainokura Village Gokayama.

Suganuma Village include: village and Gokayama Suganuma Gassho no Sato. Many homes Suganuma Gassho-zukuri at present has become the small museum exhibiting daily life images of farmers, industry and manufacturing washi paper gunpowder being maintained at this place. In Gokayama Gassho no Sato, the other side of the tunnel still has some Gassho-zukuri house tradition is planned to make accommodation for groups of students, and students of the school to eat at and experience life Gokayama.

Village Ainokura: Deep inside the valley, is Ainokura remote village of Gokayama area. It is also the region's largest village with 20 houses near Gassho-zukuri. Many houses still inhabited by the people.

The ancient village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama recognized by UNESCO as world cultural heritage criterion (iv), (v).

Criterion (iv): The ancient village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are outstanding example of a traditional settlement area are transmitted from generation to generation. People in these areas have found a way to reconcile with nature, to adapt to the natural environment and find ways to develop the social economy.

Criterion (v): The ancient village Shirakawa-go and Gokayama is also the clearest evidence for the development of villages, contributing improvement of social structures. The ancient village has also proven longevity despite the dizzying changes of the market economy. Since 1950, when Japan began to make strides flourished economically, people in two villages still maintain rhythm and habits of living that generations of their ancestors have handed down.
