All costs of studying abroad in the US - latest update 2024

Are you planning to study in the U.S.? Does paying for your studies abroad seem impossible? It's not!

You're probably worried about how to pay for your studies in the U.S., but don't let that ruin your exciting plans. With a little planning, you'll get ahead. Plus, not all the money will be going towards boring lab fees and fines for overdue library returns. You're going to be having fun and investing money in things like ski trips and nights out, or eating sushi with your new friends!

Make an accurate estimate of the total cost of your studies in the U.S. and create an accurate budget. There are a lot of factors to take into account, don't forget that many colleges and universities in the U.S. require international students to pay for their first year in one lump sum. In order to afford this considerable amount, you and your family will probably need to start saving well in advance.

Regardless, don't let the cost of a U.S. education scare you. A U.S. education and proficiency in English will open the way to more secure and better paying jobs.


Very few colleges or universities in the U.S. are able to offer financial assistance to international students, so it is essential that you and your family take care of your education, room and board needs. Scholarships that are awarded only cover a small portion of the total amount needed for an academic year in the U.S.

You can write to your chosen institution and ask for a scholarship application form, but please check first with your family, your government, institutions in your country and any other organizations you are a member of to see if they can help you finance your studies. You will have a better chance and you will not be competing with students from all over the world. Also, if the scholarship program is in your country, the process may be easier for you.


A credit can make it possible for you to study in the U.S. There are certain types of credits available for international students. Here is a list of credits available to international students. While most U.S. students must take out loans to study, a loan is not something you should take lightly. Research other options thoroughly. It's best to get as much financing as possible - money you won't have to pay back - and, if necessary, cover the shortfall with credit. Compare interest rates and terms from different financial institutions to find the most advantageous option.

As with any other investment, remember the return. You'll be investing in your future career and earning power.

Work-study programs

It is estimated that 75% of full-time students at U.S. colleges and universities work at least part-time. If you are coming to the U.S. to spend more than a few months studying, you are likely to receive an F-1 visa. With this type of visa you may be able to participate in your college or university's work-study programs. Consider working extra hours while you are still in your home country before your U.S. visa restrictions limit the number of hours you can work.

Admission exams: US$ 500

College entrance exams, such as the SAT, TOEFL and GMAT, can cost between $50 and $500. There may be additional costs for processing and sending your scores to the institutions, etc. It is important that you take the tests early enough for the colleges to receive your scores before the closing date. There are additional costs for express mailing of scores.

Admission application fees: US$ 250 - US$ 600

Application processing and administrative costs range from $35 to $75 per application. Most students apply to four to ten schools.


Undergraduate programs: US$2,200 - US$33,480

Graduate programs: US$8,340 - US$28,890

Doctoral Programs: US$10,510 - US$40,980

Tuition costs vary greatly by educational institution and location. Depending on where you decide to study, your annual tuition can average from $2,200 to $32,405 (undergraduate programs). English as a Second Language schools and public institutions such as community colleges usually cost less than colleges or universities. State schools, funded by the state and federal governments, cost less than a private college or university. However, most state schools charge a higher fee to international students because they are "non-residents". You will also need to consider annual inflation on tuition costs of approximately 5%.

A useful website to compare tuition is:

Room and board: US$ 8,060 - $11,890

Most students choose to stay in an on-campus residence hall, at least during the first academic year (some schools require freshmen to live on campus during the academic year). Rooms usually house two or more people, which is a great way to make friends and have someone to explore your college or university with.

Many campuses also have housing for married students and families. Remember that rural areas are often much less expensive than large cities. In large cities and at English language institutes, students may be able to live more economically off-campus. Leases in the U.S. generally require advance payment of the first and last month's rent plus a security deposit.

U.S. leases generally require prepayment of the first and last month's rent plus a security deposit.

Another option that many students enjoy is living with a family, usually called a homestay. If your school is equipped, it can arrange a homestay, otherwise, your college or university can provide you with a list of companies that arrange homestays. Do not hesitate to ask for guidance.

The family will provide you with your own or a shared room, as well as breakfast and dinner in a family atmosphere. Living with a host family is a particularly good option for younger students who are not used to living on their own. It is also one of the best ways to become fluent in English and understand American family life.

It is estimated that 75% of full-time students at U.S. colleges and universities work at least part-time.


Admission exams: US$ 500

Admission application fees: US$ 250 - US$ 600

Tuition: US$ 2,200 - - $40,980

Room and board: US$ 8,060 - $11,890

Travel costs: US$ 500 - US$ 3,000

Books and materials: US$ 900 - $1,300

Health insurance: US$ 350-US$ 1,500

Personal expenses: US$ 2,500

Travel costs: US$ 500 - US$ 3,000

To estimate your travel costs, research airfare from your country to the U.S. Travel costs may vary within the United States due to its size, so you can expect air travel within the U.S. to cost approximately US$160-$700 per round-trip ticket.

Books and supplies: US$900- US$1,300

Books, notebooks, computer accessories and other materials are your responsibility. Estimate that you will need to spend about US$1,000 on books and supplies each year. Use and to save money by buying used books. This will help you save a huge amount of money. You can also sell your books once you have completed the class.

Health Insurance: US$ 350 - US$ 1,500

As an international student at a U.S. institution, you will probably be required to have health insurance. To begin shopping for insurance, check with the college or university you would like to attend to see what policies they have for international students. You can then compare the services and prices offered through your college with those of other organizations and companies.

Before you take out a policy, make sure it meets the requirements of the U.S. government and your college or university.

Personal expenses: US$ 2,500

Of course you will need all the things you usually need in your own country, such as toiletries, stamps, newspapers and medicines, as well as money for laundry, dry cleaning, transportation, recreation, entertainment, etc. It is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash anywhere in the U.S. You will rarely need to use cash, as you can make most purchases with a debit or credit card.

Don't let a serious issue like money stress you out. Remember that you are going to the U.S. to study and have fun! You will spend some of your money on fun things like ordering pizza or going out dancing. You might even go on a spending spree and buy yourself an "I ♥ New York" t-shirt or a pair of authentic second-hand Levi's.
