5 benefits of cloud solutions for businesses in 2023

Data from a recent survey conducted by Gartner shows that 62% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are already using cloud computing, while 33% are either planning to implement the technology or currently analyzing how it can best be utilized by their company.*

I'm not saying that you should use the cloud just because almost everyone else is doing it. What I am saying is that the cloud can offer a lot of benefits, especially for small businesses.

Nowadays, the security concerns that marked the early days of the cloud have largely subsided, and the technologies have matured, allowing companies to leverage the benefits of the cloud for a variety of creative purposes. Cloud solutions have already driven significant growth in hundreds of industries, particularly in the spread of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and large-scale remote information processing and storage.

According to Jesse Nieminen, the co-founder and chairman of the management software provider Viima, we are now at the point where "the cloud is like electricity a hundred years ago. It makes everything much more efficient and is a huge pioneer for most of the technologies of the future."

However, just because cloud solutions are "the new electricity," that does not mean that you should use them without a clear business strategy in mind. To make it easier for you to create your business scenario for the cloud, I have looked at five innovative benefits of cloud solutions for your business.

The cloud for small businesses The cloud has opened more than just a few doors in the small business sector. It gives companies of any size the ability to perform massive information processing tasks. The countless different ways that companies can use the potential of the cloud makes the versatility of the technology clear.


Five promising ways that companies can benefit from cloud solutions in 2018 stand out particularly.

1. Scalability of infrastructure

The scaling of cloud-based infrastructures is one of the fastest growing application areas of cloud solutions in 2023.

For example, server load is naturally unpredictable in web-based commerce, and suddenly increased interest can overload traditional servers, resulting in your customers losing access at the most important moment. With a scalable, cloud-hosted infrastructure, failover systems can automatically kick in if the host server is overloaded.

The benefits for your small business: A cloud-based data infrastructure is efficient, cost-effective, and demand-driven. You only pay for the server load that is actually needed, so the cost of managing your data usage is directly proportional – the most cost-effective solution for small businesses. High expenditures for large local server capacities have become redundant with this technology.

2. Cloud-based office systems

Nearly every company uses shared working environments in 2018. Cloud-based office platforms like Google's G Suite or Microsoft Office 365 are better suited for team projects than traditional programs: they allow multiple users to work together, with all changes synchronized in real-time across unlimited devices.

The benefits for your small business: "Living documents" in cloud-based office systems immediately show changes made by all users, enabling a fundamentally new kind of collaboration between different employees.

At the same time, these digital workstations greatly reduce the workload of IT experts in infrastructure management, freeing up time and resources for big projects like data analysis. If your company is still exchanging documents via email, switching to a platform like G Suite can greatly increase your productivity.

3. Remote workstations

Cloud-based office systems are also driving the popularity of location-independent work environments. Employees can collaborate and continue projects remotely through cloud services while they are at conferences or traveling. Other cloud-hosted services such as Skype ensure seamless communication between teams and managers.

The benefits for your small business: By having location-independent and remote employees, companies can save on costs associated with traditional work spaces. Cloud technology also reduces social barriers for those with children or disabilities, creating a basis for a more inclusive work environment.

Experts predict that by 2023, nearly two thirds of the working population will be working remotely, which represents a fundamental change for a company's infrastructure. By providing opportunities for remote work now, you'll be ahead of the competition.

4. Big Data Analyses

More and more small businesses are making use of big data in 2023. Cloud computing provides the necessary computing power to organize and use large amounts of data. Most small business owners overestimate the technical challenges associated with big data analysis, but the effort is definitely worth it.

The ability to make more informed decisions based on comprehensive customer data offers great benefits: for example, you can provide your customer base with more relevant information at the right time or respond in real-time to the needs and desires of customers.

Benefits for your small business: More and more companies are focusing on user-friendly data analysis interfaces and bypassing many of the costs associated with analyzing such large amounts of information. Open-source platforms such as Hadoop and HPCC make these tools accessible to small businesses, allowing cloud-based data processing to take on this massive task.

Experts recommend about 500 Mbps for constant cloud-based data processing. Small businesses can therefore invest in higher internet speeds rather than relatively inefficient investments in server capacity and hardware, thus saving money in the long term.

5. Backups and Recovery

Information security continues to be a big hurdle for small businesses. Threats are quickly evolving and complete defense of all critical infrastructure components is often impossible for small IT teams. A survey conducted by the Better Business Bureau in 2022 found that only 35% of companies could remain profitable for more than three months according to their own accounts if they lose access to important data.

Advantages for your small business: Cloud-based data storage provides more security by giving information management some redundancy. Hybrid systems that secure local data in real-time in the cloud offer protection in case of security breaches and allow companies to rely less on physical infrastructures and manual backups.

How will your small business benefit from cloud solutions? Small and large companies have already adapted to different technological conditions, and we will soon get used to cloud technologies as well. Even though they bring great challenges and learning processes, the possible benefits of cloud technologies in 2023 create a completely new starting point for information technology.

The above benefits make it clear that cloud technology has the potential to not only improve information storage and security but also the way we work together and the accuracy with which we make business decisions.

It's up to you to bring your business to success and with these five ways, you can use cloud technologies to achieve exactly that. Are you using cloud solutions in your small business or do you plan to do so? If so, what benefits are you observing or hoping for?
